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My Education

I have studied in Nanyang Polytechnic for 3 year from January 2020 to November 2023. The course that I took was Digital Design and Media Engineering. With Mostly Average grades I have found my strengths in teams, we all have our weaknesses but working with a team helps cover those weaknesses and strengthens our boons even more

It was a large difference in approach compared to secondary school as many of my projects relied on me working with a team. Gone are the days were passing the exams were satisfactory, now every one working with me also has to be supported. I learnt from very quiet project meetings, that there has to be a person that takes initiative and lead the team to get the ball rolling. Like clock work a team needs all its members to run smoothly.

I have gained many skills from my time in poly. With adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, Java and C# I have the capabilities to create webpages, art and animations. All of them being my passions in life. Every webpage is a canvas ready to be painted in supporting color schemes and animation, C# and Java being my paint brush to construct my art.